
3 Swalleys Press

A independent, full-service, creatively inclined publisher, Cambridge, MA

Created for 3 Swalleys Press:

book cover and interior layout designs
- Teressa Renda Carlson; Oddyssey Part 3, In My Misfortune, The Many Faces of Women
- C. William Crutcher; Managing Service Excellence, Maximizing Customer Loyalty
photographic / coffee book interior layout and cover design
- David V. Ferris, Jr.; No Risk, No Reward

"Pam has designed beautiful, thoughtful book covers and interiors for my publishing company, reliably delivering the unique style and creative direction appropriate for each project. Our authors and we have all been beyond pleased with her work. Beyond the deliverable, though, Pam makes the entire design process easy and enjoyable by being a thorough and excellent communicator and the ideal collaborator. With Pam as a partner, I get the perfect combination of professionalism, talent, responsiveness, enthusiasm, and expertise. She is an absolute pleasure to work with!"
NN ~ Cambridge, MA